If you want to get rid of stubborn body fat once and for all, body contouring is an effective way to do it. Not only is it a popular option among celebrities, but it’s also helped countless people just like you to lose weight and keep it off.

There are two different body contouring temperatures to choose from. Namely, these include cold temperatures used during CoolSculpting, and hot temperatures employed by BTL Vanquish ME and similar procedures. For help deciding which of these body contouring methods is right for you, Dr. Andrei and the team at Bariatric Associates, P.A. provide some expert insights.

What Is Body Contouring?

Simply put, body contouring is the ideal treatment for individuals who want to eliminate pockets of fat from their bodies. These fat pockets are most often found on the stomach, thighs, jaw, and back, among other areas. It’s important to note, however, that this procedure is not meant to treat obesity.

Depending on the type of body contouring you receive, you can expect slightly different results. Dr. Andrei and the team perform both CoolSculpting and BTL Vanquish ME, which boast FDA approvals and countless success stories. That means all that’s left for you to do is to discover which will work best for you.

Fat Freezing with CoolSculpting

During a CoolSculpting procedure, which is also called Cryolipolysis, fatty areas on patients’ bodies are placed between two cooling panels for about an hour at a time. During each session, these panels freeze and kill fat cells without damaging any surrounding tissue. These dead cells are then naturally removed by patients’ livers. After undergoing several CoolSculpting sessions, patients normally see their final results within several weeks to a few months.

Fat Melting with BTL Vanquish ME

BTL Vanquish ME uses radiofrequency technology to essentially melt patients’ fat cells. During this procedure, an emitter is held about an inch above the problem area, targeting and heating fat cells to around 120°F. Then, just like CoolSculpting, these cells die and are later expelled by the liver. These treatments typically average between 30 and 45 minutes, and patients may notice an immediate difference. However, the final results normally take a few weeks to develop.

So, Which Should You Choose?

Both hot and cold body contouring methods offer a way for patients to lose weight gradually and subtly. However, CoolSculpting is ideal for those with hard, pinchable areas of fat around the abdomen, flanks, and similar areas. On the flip side, BTL Vanquish ME works best on softer fat, like what’s commonly found beneath the chin.

Going further, some choose BTL Vanquish ME because of its warm, noncontact procedure, preferring it to the cooler, direct-contact CoolSculpting panels. Finally, whereas CoolSculpting works best for targeting smaller areas of fat, BTL Vanquish ME is helpful for patients with multiple problem areas.

Helping You Decide

Regardless of which body contouring temperature you prefer, increasing your water intake before and after treatments can help boost your final weight-loss results by stimulating your lymphatic system and flushing the dead cells out. Before deciding between CoolSculpting and BTL Vanquish ME, schedule an appointment with Dr. Andrei and the team at Bariatric Associates, P.A. We’ll walk you through your options and answer any questions you may have. Contact us today to get started.


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*Individual Results May Vary