Straight F.A.C.T.S. Talk with Dr. Andrei 
Next Live Video Support Group:
Date: To Be Announced
Time: 10:00 AM
To register for the meeting, please fill out the form on the right. For instructions on how to join, please read the FAQ.
If you have any questions or want to add your email and your cell phone number to be able to join the meeting, please text Dr.Andrei directly at 973-255-9979 or you can email In your text or email please provide us the following information: First name, last name, cell phone number, and your email address.
Support Group Registration
Frequently Asked Questions
Every other Saturday at 10:00 AM we will text and email you the link to join Dr. Andrei for the Webex Meeting. The best way to join is to click on the hyperlink for the event in your text or email.
To be able to see and hear the presentation on your Desktop / Laptop computer, please access the meeting from your computer using the link provided in your email or Facebook. Also, make sure you save the password, which will be provided below the link in your email and Facebook. You may be prompted to download the WebEx extension on your browser.
If you want to access it from your cell phone please download prior the meeting the WEBEX app by clicking for App Store and for Google Store.
If none of the above options are available, you can still join the meeting and listen by calling in and having the Meeting Number and Password available. You will have access to the Call-In phone number, Meeting Code, and Password via text, email, and Facebook at the time of the event.