Walk the Walk with Dr. Andrei 2021


Walk the Walk with Dr.Andrei 2021 will begin on May 1st, 2021, and will run for a week until May 8th,2021.

The history of Walk the Walk with Dr.Andrei:

For many years we tried to live and act by the words we say, and using FACTS, we started to have our Walk the Walk events. Unfortunately, due to the current health crisis, though we don't want to give up on our beautiful and enriching experiences, we'll have to adjust to social distancing. 

So let's go virtual! 

What will I need to participate?

Here's what you need to participate:

  • Walking / athletic apparel
  • Mobile Application to track your distance and time (i.e. Couch to 5k, Pacer, Strava) - (Optional)


  • Make sure to practice safe and smart social distancing!
  • Be sure to wear a mask when reasonable.
  • Please record one video that lasts no more than 30 seconds with the following: an introduction of you and your team, where you're walking /running, and a positive, healthy message! 
  • If you plan on submitting your time/distance, please take a screenshot(s) of the app you used that clearly shows the times/distance, and, if available, the map of the route.

Where do I upload my videos and images?

Once you have collected your images / videos, please click here to submit them. (1 GB per file size limit, 5 files max):

If you have any questions, please text Dr.Andrei directly at 973-255-9979 or you can email DrAndrei@bariatricassociates.com. In your text or email please provide us the following information: First name, last name, cell phone number, and your email address.


Walk the Walk - Video Contest 2020