I felt very inspired to see so many of you walking next to me determined to regain or maintain your health. I thought that the three things we must do, as quickly as possible, is lose any life-threatening weight, eat the right foods, and exercise every day.

I have to confess that since our walk, I fell off the wagon; my Achilles heel being I again found myself skipping meals, especially breakfast. When the demands of my life started intruding at 5:30 in the morning, I overlooked breakfast and that put me in bad blood sugar, which resulted in me craving fast food, the kind of food loaded with fat and salt; eating this way tired me, so of course, I skipped the gym. I know that bad habits are hard to break but my health depends on me doing just that. So, for the next week I will jump back on the elliptical for at least a half hour, 5 times a week. I will either have my sweet potato or an apple with healthy peanut butter for breakfast. For my snack, I’ll eat an apple with peanut butter or a carrot. For lunch, I’ll try and have a healthy salad with spinach or kale, tomatoes, carrots, beets, and beans for protein or an Amy’s frozen dinner like the Teriyaki bowl. Mid-day snack will be a tangerine or some strawberries. For dinner, I’ll try and eat broccoli, Brussel sprouts, or asparagus, a healthy potato and a chicken or veal cutlet. I’m going to try and eat the same menu every day for a week to eliminate the temptation of choices.
Meanwhile, I’m arranging another walk for us. This walk will increase in difficulty, but not too much. I hope you will join me.
In planning your vacation I encourage you to do things that involve exercise- swimming, walking, biking, and/or dancing. Meet you in a month at our next venue.
Best wishes,
Dr. Andrei


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*Individual Results May Vary